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Beijing is not my home
Beijing is not my home
Youtube / La Vanguardia
Beijing is Not My Home (Pekín no es mi casa) es una canción que condensa el desencanto y el malestar de una juventud que no se identifica con el individualismo imperante de la nueva sociedad china que sólo busca el ascenso social y el fácil enriquecimiento. (La Vanguardia)
Walking alone with my shadow at night.
I am lost among those wonderful stars.
Like the bird, can't find the way.
I'm a lonely boy.
I saw the planes, flying far away.
Which one lands in my hometown.
Like the bird, can't find the way.
In the lonely sky.
Beijing's not my home.
Beijing's not my home.
Oh mama, mama.
Tell me where can I sleep tonight.
Walking alone with my shadow at night.
I am lost among those wonderful stars.
Like the bird, can't find the way.
I'm a lonely boy.
I saw the planes, flying far away.
Which one lands in my hometown.
Like the bird, can't find the way.
In the lonely sky.
Beijing's not my home.
Beijing's not my home.
Oh mama, mama.
Tell me where can I sleep tonight.
Demerit, “Beijing is not my home,” Repositorio HISREDUC, consulta 7 de marzo de 2025, http://repositorio.historiarecienteenlaeducacion.com/items/show/5041.